Build and Erupting Volcano PRODUCT SUPPLIES GENERAL SUPPLIES 1 can FORM-lT~ 1 pair latex or plastic gloves 1 bottle CLEAFI-lT~ 1 apron 1 can SET-lT~ (optional) 1 plastic shest or large plastic trash bag 1 package CLEENETTES (optional) 1spray bottle water 1 pencil DECORATIVE MATERIAL SUPPLIES 2, 6'h oz. plastic cups 4 tull sheets newspaper 10 plastic 3" palm trees 1, 22" x 28" medium blue matboard Hobby sand. dirt. & grass Tape Acrylic paints: Spray paints: ScissoR fluorescent redlorange dark blue 1soft bristle brush brown fluorescent green white dark green black HELPFUL HINTS 1. Pmtect work surface with plastic or large trash bag. Tape securely. 2. Wear later or plastic glwes and apron. 3. Use at room temperature only. 4. FORM-lT~ dispenses like aerosol whipped cream. 5. Dispense a small amount of FORM-lT~ at one time. A little bit goes a long way. FORM-lT 2 to 3 times. 6. FORM.lT"" is a permanent adhesive and bonds to everyt)ling except plastic. IT SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY FROM SKIN WHEN WET. CLEENTTES are formulated for this purpose and to keep skin soft. 7. For reuse of valve, extender tip, and accessories, clean immediately withRh CLEAN-IT. VOLCANIC ISLAND DIRECTIONS 1. Place the blue 22" x 28" matboard on plastic film ot large trash bag. 2. Tape the 2 plastic cups together, end to end, then tape the cups to the center of the matboard. 3. Open up all the sheets of newspaper, stack them and make a dot in the center of the top sheet. 4. Using the dot as the center, draw one 6" inner circle and one 26" outer circle. 5. Cut out the larger circle, going through all layers. Cut a slit from the outer edge to the center dot abd cut out the inner circle. 6. With the small opening at top, arrange the newspapers around the cups to form a cone shape. Tape the top of the cone to the cup and the bottom of the cone to the matboard. 7. Lightly mist the paper cone with water. 8. Apply FORM-IT starting at the base, going to the top af cone and back again to the base. The rows should touch one another. Vary the shape to resemble lava flow at the top and shoreline effects at the bottom. 9. Let dry 12 hours. DECORATE 1. Cover matboard. Spray the entire volcano dark green. Lightly spray fluorescent green for highlights. 2. Paint cone interior and cup rim with black. 3. Paint rim and lava flows brown. Let some black show through. Let dry. Highlight with flourescent red/orange. 4. Spray matboard dark blue for ocean. 5. Using white, paint crescent shape waves at shore and slightly away from shore. 6. Using SET-IT adhesive, add grass, dirt, and sand where desired. 7. Glue the palm trees around lower part of the volcano. 8. To make the volcano erupt, place 1 tsp. of baking soda in the cup cone. Add red food coloring to 1/2 cup of vinegar. Pour a small amount of the red vinegar into the cone.